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OBL Private label products & Services  

Growth in on-line sales from web based optical companies has seriously eroded the potential earnings of an optical retail outlet. Yet for the smaller independent outlets and distributor groups can by developing their own brand identity help to retain customers and generate revenue. By creating a brand loyalty will help prevent lost business whilst also strengthening the overall perception of the practice.

Optical Resources Ltd offers Own Brand Labelling Partnerships to including supplies of products with CE registration and certification. This facility helps distribution companies, optical groups and chains compete in the highly lucrative market of Own Branded Labelling for conventional and disposable contact lenses by allowing them to add their own branded product lines to their existing products ranges.

To ensure that we can offer both exceptional quality, and competitive pricing ORL has partnered with several international companies who offer a wide range of products to develop long term business opportunities by supplying like companies with Own Brand Label products to market as their own manufactured products.

There are two options for the CE Certification service offered by ORL

  • Smaller optical companies can create their own brands but using the Optical Resources Qdos Vision branded disposable lenses CE Certification. The main advantage is that although the product will have the practice identity and name will say manufactured by ORL.

  • If the need is to create a total brand identity name and CE Certification then ORL can assist in the securing of the CE approval.

For a total confidential consultation please contact

John Neale,  Tel: 0774 7751521.

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